Review of Marxism and Women’s Liberation

A great review of Marxism and Women’s Liberation by Judy Cox on Counterfire.

‘This book is a timely and valuable contribution to the discussion about the causes and consequences of women’s oppression. The collection of four essays is very accessible and also very sophisticated. The authors provide a clear and coherent Marxist analysis of women’s oppression. By doing so, they explain why we are where we are and what we can do about it.’

I particularly like that she gets the importance of Cordelia Fine’s work on brain sex: ‘a fascinating debunking of these influential but fanciful theories’. Exactly!

Marxism and Women’s Liberation

New book, with a chapter by me on where does sexism come from, on sale now at  Counterfire.

The Second Wave of the fight for women’s liberation, which erupted in the late 1960s, put women’s equality on the political agenda.

Nearly 50 years later much has been achieved, but inequality survives and the lives of too many women and men are blighted by an economic regume that fails to provide basic necessities, let alone the hope of liberation.

This essential introduction to women’s liberation discusses the origins of sexism, the intersection of race and women’s oppression and the history of women’s struggles. It probes the movement’s strengths and weaknesses and tries to learn lessons from the past that can help in today’s struggle for real freedom.